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Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2010

Article publié le Monday 15 February 2010.
traduction : fr

Access to knowledge is our passion. When it comes to higher education for promising scholars, we do not want anything to stand in the way. That is why we are pleased to announce the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities. Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships and networking retreats for computer science students with disabilities. This scholarship aims to help dismantle barriers that keep students with disabilities trom entering computing, encourage them to excel in their studies and become active role models and leaders in creating technology.

Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students will be chosen from the applicant pool. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of researchers and engineers. The scholarship recipients will each receive a EUR 7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship for the 2010/2011 academie year.

ln June 2010, ail scholarship recipients will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for an all-expenses-paid networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity to meet and share experiences. Eligibility requirements Candidates must be:
-  A student entering the final year of a Bachelor’s degree, or enrolled in a Master’s or PhD programme (or equivalent), in 2010/2011. Enrolled at a University in Europe. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students with disabilities studying at a University in Europe are eligible to apply.
-  Studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field.
-  A person with a disability. The term persons with disabilities is used to apply to ail persons with disabilities including those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

For full details, please visit us at www.google.com/studentswithdisabilities-europe/

The application deadline is 15th March 2010.

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