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UNAPEDA Family Days 2008

Article publié le Sunday 24 February 2008.
traduction : fr it es

Family and Deafness

Date : 01 may 2008 to 03 may 2008

Location: Granville, Normandy, France

Through a series of talks and participative workshops parents and families of deaf children can find out about :

To live with deafness in the family

Families and their legal rights

The arrival of a deaf child in a family causes many upheavals.

What are the repercussions for family life, the relationship between the child and his or her parents as well as other family members such as siblings and grandparents?

How should one establish a means of communication and what system of communication should be chosen?

Families and their legal rights

To become familiar with the legal framework; the different representatives; to know where information can be found; to know ones’ rights; these are the necessary first stages for effective parental participation in the education of children and for the exercise of freedom of choice. The law passed in February 2005 profoundly disrupted established practices in the field of disability.

This event is organised by the UNAPEDA the French association of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children.

Activities will be carried out in French.

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