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FCEI Conference 2016 - Call for Papers

Article publié le Wednesday 8 July 2015.

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Conference on Family-Centred Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, to be held once again in the charming and historic spa town of Bad Ischl near Salzburg in Austria from June 15th to 17th 2016. Please find more information on our new FCEI website.


The scientific programme committee encourages you to submit your abstract for poster and presentations (deadline:1st Nov. 2015) - http://www.fcei.at/2016/en/programme/pr_poster.php

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our conference next year. May we ask you to forward this information to your friends and colleagues.

(FCEI 2016)]
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