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Helping the deaf children in the Gaza Strip...

Article publié le Monday 19 February 2007.

Helping the deaf children in the Gaza Strip...

Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children is a Palestinian NGO which has been working in the field of deaf education and allied services since 1992. Literally thousands of deaf and hearing impaired persons and their families are served annually at Atfaluna through deaf education, audiology, speech language pathology, vocational training and better parenting programs. The Society regularly offers teachers’training in deaf education and provides community awareness and hearing screening programs.

Visit the website of Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children

You can download more info with PDF below
(Atfaluna Overview)]
(Atfaluna Brochure - English)]
(ASDC - Description of Community Services and Programs)]
(Atfaluna en fran?ais)]
(Impact of Affaluna Programs and Services)]
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