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Invitation to International Family-Center Early Intervention Conference 2012 in Austria

Article publié le Saturday 17 September 2011.

Hello family support friends and colleagues,

Hands & Voices is proud to be a host of the first-ever International Conference on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The attached Congress-Invitation will provide you with details. I’d just like to add that we have been told there may be funding for parents to attend this conference May 30th to June 1st in Bad Ischl. If you are interested in attending, please look for details at this website: www.fcei2012.org If you don’t find what you’re looking for, do “Contact Us” via the link on the website and let us know what questions you have.

Please forward this invitation to all the family organizations and parent leaders with whom you have contact. We hope to see you all in Austria next spring!

All the best,

Leeanne Seaver and Janet DesGeorges, Hands & Voices, on behalf of the FCEI Organizing Committee

& the GPOD (Global Coalition of Parents of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing www.gpodhh.org )

Leeanne Seaver, M.A., Executive Director

Hands & Voices www.handsandvoices.org

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