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Meisei Gakuen’s bilingual education supports the acquisition of two languages, JSL and Japanese

Article publié le Friday 22 March 2013.

Meisei Gakuen (pronounced May Say) is a school for the Deaf established on April 2008. There are about 60 children between the ages of 3 and 15 studying from the kindergarten to the junior high school levels.

Being deaf is not a problem at all at Meisei because everyone uses sign language.

Through the medium of Japanese Sign Language (JSL) children communicate and learn everything. They also learn how to read and write in Japanese so they grow up to be bilingual in JSL and Japanese.

Meisei provides a rich sign language environment, so Deaf children learn just as hearing children learn in mainstream schools. There is no other school like this in Japan.

Meisei warmly welcomes Deaf children who want to learn in JSL and parents who wish to raise their children in a sign language environment.

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