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UNAPEDA : International Meeting

International meeting of associations of parents of deaf and hearing impaired children - français deutsch Español
Article publié le Thursday 22 June 2006.
traduction : fr de es

Following a proposal by UNAPEDA, the Swiss association of parents of deaf and hearing impaired children (ASPEDA) is organising an international meeting on Saturday July 1, 2006 in Geneva.

français deutsch Español

This meeting will allow those in charge of associations of parents in Belgium, France and Switzerland to meet. In addition, some other people in charge of other European associations will also participate in this meeting.


-  Welcome by Dr. Tobias Schoelly, president of the ASPEDA
-  Presentation of participating associations
-  Presentation by those with responsibility for hearing-impaired children and young adults, recent developments in our respective countries and results obtained
-  Development of common recommendations
-  What follow-up should there be from this meeting ?

UNAPEDA will be represented by a delegation of 4 people.

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